11-17 Sep - 'EFI' Lands End to John O'Groats

Thur - One work phone call, then pottered around and packed.
Wed - Bromptoned to meeting at Shad Thames, cycling from London Bridge. Cycled back to Investcorp, a lovely ride across Westminster Bridge, Horseguards, the Mall & St Jame's Palace

Tue - EFI day
- Train arrived at Exter at 4:15. Dark and quiet. I loaded up and headed out on the main road to Tiverton, deciding that I would not risk the longer road to Crediton. Cycling with a light in the dark on unknown roads was hard work as I couldn't see the ups/down and road surface. At least there were no cars. The road seems relatively flat. A blustery headwind did not bode well for the day and I was concerned I was being a little silly doing this ride! The sky slightly lightened but it was overcast as I came into Tiverton.

The Stoker had explained how to get through the town via the one way which I did (cycling as it was empty) to find the 'Four & Twenty Blackbirds' shut (obviously as it was 5:15), only the dustbin men were out working. I tried to find a toilet but they were locked up, this was feeling it was going to be a problem. [The Stoker has censored how I gained my relief.]

About 6:30 was sunrise and I stopped for refuelling on sandwiches, bannana and dates on a pub bench. Cars were now starting to appear, as well as very wide farm vehicles.

The route was typical Kevin rural undulates with no problems....but look ahead, the dreaded Quantock Hills

I stopped half way for a breather. The gradient wasn't unrelenting but some bits were pretty steep. The road bike is easier up hill than a tandem!

Then from the top views, back and forwards across the Somerset levels

Bridgwater was only 11 miles, a great run down and I stopped for a picture at Thorn. It was only 10:30 so I decided to make a dash for the train and home instead of waiting for my 4:45 booking - I had a conference call at 2:30 with Bahrain and I needed to be somewhere with a decent phone and reckoned I could make it back. So got the Garmin to autoroute to Taunton Railway Station, 9 miles away.

The road was busy but fast. I couldn't resist calling into a layby for Jed's bacon and egg bap and a coffee - it was delicious. No caramel slices though!

Got to the station at 11:10 and onto the 11:24 for 30 quid, throwing away my previous booked seat on the 6pm train. Paddington at 13:40 where it absolutely poured down - the water was up to my ankles cycling to Marylebone where the drains were blocked. Only a 5 min cycle but enough to get me soaked, though in time to catch the 13:57, back to Darvells at 2:29 and into the conference call at 2:30!!!!!!! Noone guessed what I had just done and assumed I was in the London office. It last just over an hour, thenI went into the hotub to ease the aches which were less than at the weekend. Stoker and I are going out to a Jazz night at the Peppermill in Chorleywood to celebrate the "EFI"

Here's the route and the elevation profile, you can see the Quantocks!
94km (56 miles) in 5:14 saddle time, average 19.9km/hr with max of 55.9 km/hr

So now I can just about say I cycled Every F......g Inch of LEJOG.

- Bromptoned into work.
Sun -
Up at 6:45 to leave before breakfast for the 'Circuit of Kent' spotive just after Sevenoaks. We were the only tandem. Did the 80km route in 3:51 saddle time, 4:15 elapsed. Legs felt it, and there was a sting in the tail with the steepest uphill just before the end, but we cycled up it though many solos were walking.
Then off round M25 to drop tandem off at BikeAdventures for them to take it down in their van to Corsica. Home, hot tub and recover.
Sat - Off to Tandridge for A&P's wedding. Checked into Whyte Harte to find room not made up and this was after they had not got our booking due to change of wnership. Not impressed. Wedding was fantastic, Stoker didn't look a numpty in her hat despite what Lulu said.

Fri - Flight home. Pick up new Dahon Cadenza folding bike from Mums. Practiced getting tandem in back of Prius, it gopes fine with the front wheel hanging out the back. Pack and get ready for weekend.

4-10 Sept: Looking forward to going back to Blighty

Thu - Cunningly took car into body shop to have various scratches repaired, though this seems to require replacement of door and bumper. Will be leaving it there for 2 weeks and pick up when return as off to Blighty at 1:35 Friday morning.  11:30pm In Gulf Air lounge.  Drink is available, so much for an islamic airline in Ramadan.
Wed - Spin/abs in evening, sweaty. Packed (case not the class being)
- Trying to get on UK time so got up late. Unfortunately the NY Office email system had crashed so I had to rush into work anyway! First Choir practice of season in evening, its going to be Messiah, so thats an easy peesy one.
Mon - 20 mins swim before breakfast. Spin/abs with Walid, he made it an uphill session.
Sun - Doss day. Glad to read on the emails that others found the return on Friday from Al Dar hard with the headwind, so its not just me. Sorted out stuff for next 2 weeks, loaded Garmin with routes etc.
Sat - 25k local meander on MTB, started late at 9:30 so it was getting hot with the same north wind. After recovered, 20 mins swim. Spin/abs in evening with Nong, not as interesting as Walid or Ole, but abs were tuff, and stretching was impossible for me! Finished 'French Revolutions' by Tim Moore where he traced a Tour de France route, didn't find it as funny as the reviews had made out.
Fri - 89k, Awali, Al Dar jetty and back via Hamad Town. Fine for first half, not too hot, kept with the group, but struggled on way back into a strong headwind and getting hotter so had some rests in shade. Surreptitiously drank 4.5L water, .75L gatorade, a lime Miranda, one Alpen bar and 3 dates - not enough food. Took 45 minutes to cool down in villa and recover. Here's the route:
Gentle swim in afternoon.