Thu - Cunningly took car into body shop to have various scratches repaired, though this seems to require replacement of door and bumper. Will be leaving it there for 2 weeks and pick up when return as off to Blighty at 1:35 Friday morning. 11:30pm In Gulf Air lounge. Drink is available, so much for an islamic airline in Ramadan.
Wed - Spin/abs in evening, sweaty. Packed (case not the class being)
Tue - Trying to get on UK time so got up late. Unfortunately the NY Office email system had crashed so I had to rush into work anyway! First Choir practice of season in evening, its going to be Messiah, so thats an easy peesy one.
Mon - 20 mins swim before breakfast. Spin/abs with Walid, he made it an uphill session.
Sun - Doss day. Glad to read on the emails that others found the return on Friday from Al Dar hard with the headwind, so its not just me. Sorted out stuff for next 2 weeks, loaded Garmin with routes etc.
Sat - 25k local meander on MTB, started late at 9:30 so it was getting hot with the same north wind. After recovered, 20 mins swim. Spin/abs in evening with Nong, not as interesting as Walid or Ole, but abs were tuff, and stretching was impossible for me! Finished 'French Revolutions' by Tim Moore where he traced a Tour de France route, didn't find it as funny as the reviews had made out.
Fri - 89k, Awali, Al Dar jetty and back via Hamad Town. Fine for first half, not too hot, kept with the group, but struggled on way back into a strong headwind and getting hotter so had some rests in shade. Surreptitiously drank 4.5L water, .75L gatorade, a lime Miranda, one Alpen bar and 3 dates - not enough food. Took 45 minutes to cool down in villa and recover. Here's the route:
Gentle swim in afternoon.