Thu - No exercise
Wed - 50 in 24 again, but this time I was faster and more sure of the counting, so I reckon yesterday I skimped on the number of lengths. Spin/Abs tonight.
Tues - 50 lengths in 24 mins in morning. Choir tonight.
Mon - 40 lengths in 21 mins (quite slow!). Spin/abs in evening at Ritz - abs session was 12 mins of continuous sets of squats/pressups/crunches, I didn't stress myself too much!
Sun - 30 lengths swim with stoker. Cooler day (18 deg) and very windy. Then bit of shopping, finalise stoker's new glasses, lunch at Cafe Coco and take her to the airport, and into make an impression at work. 15 mins row and BD gym routine in evening. The villa seems very lonely without my stoker and her guitar! Just heard that Verdi in Dubai has been postponed to May, which I can't do 'cos of cycling through France.
Sat - Lazy start to day, then gym (rowing and BodyDoctor exercises for me) and 20 lengths swim. Seef Mall and Frangipani for sushi lunch. Spin/abs in evening with See, not too strenuous.
Fri - Stoker went to gym, I was pathetic and didn't. Friday brunch at Riffa Golf Club with Seana and Richard. Very good spread, especially the japanese. Managed not to go to the cinema in the evening, much to stoker's annoyance.