Thu - No exercise in the morning, I was tidying up for Stoker arrival tonight at 7:00 pm airport.
Wed - 30ish lengths of the pool. I lost count again, so decided that I will bring a watch, set the alarm and use that next time. Spin/abs in evening.
Tue - Despite aching after last nights later spin, I shuffled out of bed at 5:30 and went for a MTB ride through the plantation where the green and irrigation make it degrees cooler, then around AlJasra for 25k. Followed by 20-30 lengths in the pool - I got in a reverie about how tough it was in Bahrain and lost count. A nice way to start the day.
Mon - Spin/abs in evening. Its starting later at 8pm, so missing Dilmun Diving, but thats OK as the Stoker is coming out for the weekend. When I got in the car at 7:30pm it was still 41C. Walid was a bit grumpy over have a late class and gave a tough session. I canvassed others to get the time changed earlier but 2 fasters wanted it at 8 for Ramadan.
Stoker send me a picture of her training in the garden
Sun - Lethargic. Must be Ramadan!
Sat - Ramadan starts. Small lie in till 8:30. 19k on MTB exploring date plantations north of Waqif. Could be 50 years ago with a bullock cart loaded with dates, labourers hiding in the shade and being relaxed about working. Then to Hamal to see the seaside. Had to sneakily drink from the camelback to avoid a 100BD fine. Cooled down in pool. Spin/Abs in evening.
Fri - None saw the moon last nigh so we could drink on the ride. 62k to Awali, Riffa Golf, HR 155 - couldn't keep it up so fell off back of peleton, Oil Well No1, (Ironman Ruth tagged along) down and up track to Banyan Tree, Al Areen, Zallaq (water stop) and home with a nice limp SE wind.